Christmas's over and now we've already gone through the 365 days of 2012. There's a gush of mixed feelings of enthusiasm, joy and of course regrets as well. Well, nobody is perfect and often we made the wrong decisions that led us to painful outcomes. Over this one year, I truly experienced the realities of life and learnt to live in the reality.
To be honest, I was born and grown up into a dreamy, happy life where I have a warm, blissful family, happy friends whom I made up with them easily even after a fight and lovely, caring teachers who constantly fed me with knowledge. Stepping into college life, things changed and this was when reality came in and when I learnt how to live.
5 Important Life Lessons:
- Be grateful with what you have now and cherish them. When you think you face the worst situations, remember there are always people who face even dreadful circumstances than you are. When I was young, I used to think why my parents treated me like this and that; but now I realise how blessed I am to have parents who constantly nagged me to do this and that. I've met a lot people with divorced parents, single parents, undependable parents and all sorts of broken family problems that we human could come up with. Now, I love my family more than ever, because you never know when you'll lose them.
- Accept your own self and let go of imperfections. Nobody is perfect. I remembered a good friend of mine told me that even pretty girls with perfect outlook, are down to have imperfections, for instance bad body odour. *LOLs. Therefore, love yourself. Of course if you got imperfections in your attitude, the term 'let go' doesn't mean you can just ignore it and go on with that attitude. What I mean here is that not to bitter over it, instead admit there's a problem and learn to overcome it.
- Recognise your own abilities and limits. Everyone have imperfections, so everyone is sure to have at least a strong capability. Stop grudging that life is unfair and search yourself what's your strong point and work hard towards it. And never let people take advantage over you. Know your own limits and learn to say 'NO', instead of accepting requests and complaining at the back of others. Put your priorities first.
- Work with people. Certain things you can take care on your own, but some you just can't do it without people around you to help you. I encountered friendship crisis before and that was when I learnt than I need people that I trusted to step in and guide me in dealing the problem. That's why relationships are important.
- Be optimism in all circumstances. I know, it's easily said than done. It's okay to be down for the hardship you face, but just for a while, then get up to your feet and face it. See it in another good perspective and learn the values in it. My younger sis once quoted, "Since you cannot escape it, learn to enjoy it." Only then you will find it is not as hard as you thought.