Cheese! Waking up with a red eye, but, thank God it's Wed❣ People usually tweet #tgif but this week is an exceptional. Simply because... we gonna have last class today for the week! Everyone loves holidays right? This friday is a public holiday, but I tell you what, 'THE POWER OF PUBLIC HOLIDAY', causes classes before or after the public holiday to be cancelled as well. [Actually it's my college-mates requested the 'extra holidays' =}]
Way before holidays, everyone starts planning things to do during holidays.
Some plan going shopping, some plan watching movies, some plan doing exercises, and perhaps some so-called hardworking ones plan of studying at home and etc etc etc; tonnes of things to do to that holidays seem to be not enough.
But when holiday comes, those plans just gone in the air, and people end up cosily lazing at home, doing nothing, wasting time, especially those planning to study [it's me actually... teehee!] And then holiday comes and goes just like that. And end up regretting and complaining why holiday is not long enough. =.= lol!
On the first day after holidays end, people check up calenders again, looking forward to the next holidays because >>> PEOPLE JUST ♥♥♥ HOLIDAYS❣
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